Thank you to the buyers from the 2024 Shorthorn Select Sale for your support and confidence in our program. Stay tuned for yearling bulls to be advertised later this winter.
Breeding Stock For Sale
Each year we offer replacement heifers to consignment sales in the fall and spring. Bulls are
marketed through sales in spring or by private treaty from the farm.
Beef For Sale
Our cattle are raised in a low-stress environment throughout their lives. Animals are monitored daily and kept up to date on their preventative treatments in order to ensure optimal health status. Their rations will vary depending on age and stage of development, but is primarily forage based (pasture or hay) with supplemental concentrates (grain or pellets) over the winter months as energy requirements increase. Our animals are processed at a provincially inspected facility, and
butchered at a local meat shop prior to pickup.
Please contact us for more information if interested.